
Defining the WT Itinerary is the easiest part of a WT preparation. Besides that, there are many things to do and think about in amount in order to enjoy your trip later with no worries. Here is a chronological list of the main activities that I did during my WT preparation :

blank list of resolutions on blackboard

01 September 2013 : I decide to leave for the World Tour! Countdown starts: 1 year for saving money and preparing MY World Tour.

15 November 2013 : Amélie finally convinces me to join ABM (Aventure au Bout du Monde), the biggest globetrotters association in Paris and France. Best decision ever! Since then, I will be attending many conferences about WT organization and about the countries that I plan to visit. Also, in April 2014, I attended their two-days festival called “Partir Autrement” (leaving differently) with many inspiring short films.

08 January 2014 : my first tentative WT Itinerary, with dates, is sent to Zip World, a travel agency specialized in world tour flight tickets for a first estimate. Since then, I will work on my WT ticket with Adrien and Julien until the final itinerary is defined.

20 January 2014 : my first online bank account is open! After some research I chose Boursorama. Why? Its Visa Premium is free, it has a 3 months travel insurance and allows me to do withdrawals and payments with only a 1.99% of charge. Besides, there is a welcome offer of 60€. At that time my bank account had a cost of 9€ a month with 2.90% of bank fees for each withdrawal or payment outside Europe. If we consider an average of 50 withdrawals of 200€ done during 11 months that means an economy of more than 350€. I will leave for the World Tour with three online bank accounts, one visa and two mastercards (but that does not mean that I have lots of money 😉 )

12 March 2014 : WT ticket bought! I will be flying with Emirates and One World Group, leaving from Paris and traveling clockwise during 12 months. My World Tour ticket has 11 flights which can be moved without any cost. The departure date is finally set : Sunday 24/08/2014!

15 March 2014 : first visit to Centre de Vaccination Air France to update my typhoid vaccine and add rabies and Japanese Encephalitis vaccines.  I will go back to the center two more times to do the reminders.

31 March 2014 :  I pick up my brand new passport, now I can fly! Time to think about Visas now.

03 April 2014 : I get my new French driving license at the Préfecture. With it, I will be available to issue my International Driving License (needed for countries like Australia or New Zealand) on 07 April.

06 May 2014 : my company gives me the official approval for MY SABBATICAL YEAR, Yay!

21 May 2014 : I receive my Australian Visa to go down under!

05 July 2014 : I buy my new mini computer, an Asus Transformer Book, which I will use to update this blog.

08 July 2014 : I receive my Chinese Visa! I must confess that I was very impressed by the efficiency of the Chinese Visa Services, at Champs Elysées . .

10 July 2014 : Inca Trail in Peru is booked. Machu Picchu, here I come again!

14 July 2014 : at 0.15 am Paris Time, with fireworks outside, Milford Track is finally booked, yay!

17 July 2014 : after 3 months of trying and a nearly stomach ulcer, the last hut for Torres del Paine W Trek is booked (I still can’t believe it).

02 August 2014 : last monthly globe trotters drink. This time it was a farewell picnic at Canal de la Villette in Paris. Merci Brice, Violetta, Clara, Freddy, Seb, Virginie, Donald et Anne Laure d’être venus, c’était vraiment sympa! xx


06 August 2014 : I contract the travel insurance through Chapka, option “Cap Aventure” for 9 months. For the first three months I will travel with the insurance linked to my Visa Premium card.

11 August 2014 : I get my new Myanmar visa and with it, the preparations for the WT are finished. I will fly to Barcelona to rest for one week before going to Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport, the starting point of my World Tour.