12 days;
35C temperature;
2 visas;
1 trek;
Traveled by plane, jeep, ferry and pinasse;
Tons of dust eaten;
Hundreds of kids-pictures taken.
What I liked MOST
Its different Mali tribes, with their colorful costumes;
Mali ’s colorful markets, where all the tribes meet to sell and exchange their products;
Its unique mud architecture;
Sunsets from Niger River shores;
Kids’ smiles.
What I liked LEAST
Long distances and bad roads;
Mali local food;
People are not very welcoming with tourists;
All the “road-fees” paid to police to let us go on;
Touaregs were very aggressive with tourists who did not buy them souvenirs.
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Quirky explorer with a preference for lesser-known sights, I am continuously looking for new ideas and tips to help you plan your dream World Tour!